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About Us

We know the industry inside out. Our vast experience and expertise
in residence and citizenship programs make us global leaders. We work exclusively with government-licensed permanent residents, residence permits, and citizenship by investment programs in Canada, the European Union, and the Caribbean. Our highly qualified professionals have worked together as one team over the last 25 years.

What We Do

We help families and individuals to invest and live in the country of their favor. We've been making life safer and more pleasant for every person we transact with, especially those who had less fortune in their home countries.

We study and clarify your goals in order to find the best option for you. Depending on our client's goals, we select the best program whether in Canada, the European Union, or the Caribbean. For instance, some clients contact us with the intention to apply for a certain program, but after discussing and analyzing their situation, they end up applying for a different country, which is better suited to their requirements and objectives.

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After Process

We continue to support and assist our clients throughout the process of the program rather than just filing and submitting the application. Even after their permanent residence has been issued, we remain in contact with our clients and help them fill all the necessary information or documentation after their landing, if applicable.

In addition, we make sure that our clients remain in compliance with legal requirements following their 3 or 5-year residency. We assist them in renewing their residency, applying for citizenship, renewing their second passport, or replacing a lost one.

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